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Charade – Round 4 : In the wake of legends

«Next year we do Charade». From this moment, passions will unleash until July 14, 2023. The mass was said; the annual parade will consist only of horses from Stuttgart. It's with unprecedented enthusiasm that our pilots waited for this weekend. And for good reason! This amazing track at the foot of the puy de dôme saw the greatest names of their generation compete for the world title. It will be difficult to summarize in 500 words this unforgettable weekend.

Leaving the village and after a few pins, we can see that very slightly some parts of some parts of this undulating and terribly winding track.Let’s go, we take a seat in our paddocks and welcome the friends! All arrive with the same excitement accentuated by a slight and exhilarating stress. “And they were competing in Formula One!!! They were crazy.” No time to waste, let’s head to the briefing where we are captivated by the old posters of the F1 Grand Prix. We take place and a sense of wonder takes us when we realize that 40 years ago, in the same place maybe little guys like Jim Clark, Jackie Stewart or Graham Hill were sitting...

Before we get down to business, let’s enjoy the Utimate Series BBQ Night. Time for our champions to talk about their trajectories and ideal moments to shift gears to be to be able to reach all the climbs of the circuitIt is also the time for our little newcomers to introduce themselves. We obviously say welcome to the amazing 964 C2 of Michael Desmaele who regaled us with his flashy demotions throughout the weekend and that we hope to find at SPA. 23 hours, it is time to find his holiday resort while enjoying the fireworks of the country Clermont by going down the puy de dome.

But stop daydreaming, we are not here to do tourism so let's go on the track! The 27 participants engage on these 3.975 km of turns and it is Christophe Terriou which makes the horses speak with a time of 2:08.695 qualifying in first place. As a bad habit, the podium is supported and closed by our friends Gillian Garret, and Cédric Torres. Note that in FC2, the first four of the group are separated by just 1.5 seconds. The race promises to be exciting. In FC3, it is the frog of the team Parisians Cars who will start first with a more than honorable 2:16.718 in time! Barely enough time to come to terms with the fact that we have to prepare the cars for the first race. But the changing weather is worrying our drivers. The solution? Our weather man and his lynx eye. I named Gillian Garret,. «No risk during the race» tells us his sixth sense. It’s time for a challenging 50-minute race. The bodies and the mechanics are already worn by the free practice and the qualifs of the morning but it is necessary give the maximum to tame this French green hell.

Christophe Terriou flies away with his car and will lead the dance all along. Behind him, the battle rages with an anthology weapon pass between Cyrille Prevel and Cédric Torres which will be separated by only 3.8 seconds under the checkered flag. More changes in FC2 also but that will give reason to Stephan EhrhardtFor FC3 category, the team Parisians Cars, although a fan of «chocolatine», show us a exemplary management and continues to take maximum points in the championship. Note the performance of the team the JS Speed Shop team and their small featherweight that only requires wings to fly. They end a few seconds from Ben Gayer and thus closes the various podiums of this first race. Immense disappointment for our dear Gillian who was running flawlessly in second position but whose fate decided otherwise in the last laps when one of the rockers died. One cannot remain indifferent to his immense sadness and tears in his eyes testifying to the love and investment he puts in his beloved frog. You just have to listen to him talk about it to realize it. We hope a good recovery of the big green and we are sure that it will return even stronger (to the dismay of the competitors).

Everyone is tired! We will not complain aboutthe huge rain which crashes on the circuit after the race bringing us a little freshness. Stretch out in the sun loungers under the FC structure and enjoy the pizza evening "with family" in this beautiful end of the day that this beautiful region offers us.

A well deserved rest, a quiet breakfast and it’s already time to get your boots on for the last race of the weekend. A blazing sun that announces the color. We will have to be strong. Again, it is Mister Terriou who is in charge and the sentence will be merciless! Almost a minute ahead of the grid! Cédric Torres signs an incredible second place. The podium is closed this time by Cyrille Prevel. Behind, we are not disappointed with a superb battle in FC2 finished with a gap of just 1 second between Stéphan Ehrhardt and the Team Terriou Racing… Because the Ferdinand Cup is also played as a family! FC3, the Team Chocolatine euh… Parisians Cars which is seconded this time by the Team JS Speed Shop which gives us an incredible demonstration in their 924.

The podium is coming and it is already the end. We are putting our structures more slowly than usual by apprehension of the start. We all know the uncertain fate of this temple of automotive passion and we can’t stop thinking that maybe we are here for the last time. A circuit like no longer made, a story like it will no longer exist. Thank you Charade, see you soon. We hope.

Complete results are HERE


Article écrit par Nicolas Ferdier

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